Chemical Products and Derivatives


Chemical Products and Derivatives sector is a driving force for its products they supply with high added values to many fields such as energy, agriculture, health, transportation, food, construction, electronic, textile and environmental protection, as is the case with industrialized countries.

Chemical Industry in Turkey was founded in the beginnings of 1950s and maintained its process throughout 1960s and 1970s. Especially in 1970s and 1980s, it witnessed the establishment of two petrochemistry facilities and many small and medium size private enterprises.

Right after the Customs Law, issued in 1984, there was a significant development in the sectors production field, capacity and in addition to its export potential with the devaluation in the rates of chemical products' custom tariffs. By this means, Turkish Chemistry Sector became the major power of Balkans and the Middle East.

AKMİB exports, which had a 15.8% share of Turkey's chemical sector exports, which amounted to 30.7 billion dollars in 2024, were recorded as 4.8 billion dollars. The countries with the most exports in 2024 were the Netherlands, the United States, and Egypt, while the product groups with the most exports were mineral fuels, mineral oils and products, plastics and products, and inorganic chemicals.